The Struggle Session Dominion

I've recently seen a number of pieces at the online sites I visit along these lines: "What are we doing to our children forcing them to be vaxxed when it is so dangerous?!" There were two just yesterday at one I like, Off-GuardianWhile I agree with the concern as well as all those related to the continued insanity of overbearing lockdown protocols weighing on us all the time, I really don't think people are truly grasping what is happening when that critical mass of Generation Xers pretty-much dominate the public sphere with all of this.

If I may.

People born in the 60s and 70s have been steeped in Frankfurt School "Critical Theory" theology. It may be said to be "philosophy," but really it is a form of the way they think things should be transcendently. It is a religion. 

Around that time Herbert Marcuse was bilging his stuff about sexual expression being a form of liberation from heteropatriarchal oppression, and Theodor Adorno was bilging his stuff about group identity empowered oppressed groups taking over the controls of the culture to bring about the neo-Marxist paradise we could all enjoy. All of this was spurred by the ever-loving-&-caring-&-giving imperium of the Society of Jesus which had been propelling it all in some form for centuries anyway.

Those Gen Xers consumed by this mentality and never fully becoming mature dignified adults -- indeed, remaining children considering themselves too entitled and privileged to actually see reality -- had children of their own. Those children -- the borderline Millennial/early Gen Zers -- grew up and they had kids who are the children today.

Here's what happens in too many of those households. 

The earliest Gen Xers even Boomers now in their 60s, 70s, 80s, are always considered so elderly that they are the most subject to the lethal effects of the evil Covid creature. And while it is true the elderly are the most susceptible, their mortality rates are still extraordinarily low.

Never mind, because the Frankfurt School has so successfully commandeered the media that they may confidently be all about ensuring you know how victimized you can be by The Scary Bug. The injected hysteria afflicts those early Millennials the most, by far. Again these are the 30, 40 year-olds who now have 10 year-olds frequenting very crowdy places like schools, where they can easily be possessed by the ferocious Covid demon.

The fact is it doesn't even matter if 70 year-old grandma is perfectly fine with hanging out with everyone in the family no matter who may be sick or not. It doesn't even matter whether or not the kid has it in some way because we all know they are the least affected by any of it. In 99% of these instances, child, elderly person -- nothing is going to happen to anyone.

Ahh. But what about the 35 year-old parent of the school kid/daughter of the elderly grandparent?

That's where the issue is. It is simply because those individuals are absolutely apoplectic about their kid coming home and infecting that elderly parent...


If that were to happen -- and again the television people who look so smart are constantly telling them it will happen -- and the 35 year-old parent were even remotely convinced it was their kid who viciously killed their mom because of their criminal carelessness? ---

The potentially ravenous guilt is simply too overwhelming.

So they will do anything they can to ensure there isn't a chance it will happen to begin with. And since there is indeed a critical mass of these 35 year-old parents of 10 year-olds/adult daughters of elderly persons being browbeat by the idea that they would truly be solely responsible for the horrific deaths of their beloveds...

Then the lockdown protocols are ON no matter how ridiculous, pointless, unnecessary, unscientific, counterproductive, destructive, unreasonable, unconstitutional, unfathomable, and un-anything else that is profoundly righteous in all of this.

I must add that there are quite a few non-Covid hysterical individuals out there who have kids in school and bless their souls, are willing to know and act on the truth. But again, the point is there is a critical mass of those who aren't and who drive the insanity. What is more I have seen very little about the just-described reality of what is going on. All there is is, "COVID DOESN'T AFFECT CHILDREN!" Okay, yeah, got that.

It does seriously afflict massively guilt-ridden richly Catholicized emotionally unsteady Millennial parents. This isn't nearly as much about medicine, or health, or public health, or public policy, or any of that. This is mostly about the festering spiritual pain that courses through the psyche of your faithful World Devotee and is regularly vomited up all over the rest of us.

I can't help but add the photograph featured above, because it just blew my mind about how much it demonstrates these truths. There they are, a dozen or so bank workers doing the struggle session thing and submissively bowing to the Covid idol. The masks, the kneeling, the whole "I'm so sorry I've been such a rotten person, [and for many of them] even more wicked parent for allowing my kid to get near another disease-ridden kid to come home to kill my mom. But I'm a good person dammit, lookit me."

What is so harrowing about that image is that they are all positioned in front of a bank vault, a profound symbol of the value assignments we all need to have livelihoods. It is as if they are brazenly declaring, "And lookit what-else. No way you're going to be able to live the lives you want if we can help it by insisting you do everything we all need to do so we can be perfectly safe."

And the men. Double ::OUCH::. They are the ones in that image most prominently kneeling before the god of Cain's Legacy. So many men simply not stepping up being men, acting like men, doing the things that men are made to do -- reigning courageously and righteously honoring God's words and His purposes over their families, communities, the entire country.

It is enough to make one very angry, like much of what I read in those pieces about what we're doing to our children. Those pieces by the way, do go a long way to illuminate the truth of the 21st verse in Matthew's tenth chapter. Go ahead, check it out. It is frightening -- Jesus' very words even.

But as I've said dozens of times before in these web efforts. 

It really just makes me sorrowful. And in that sense, just moves me to do the one thing I can do, and that is pray for them. I do it all the time. It doesn't mean I don't do any number of other things to minister Grace and Truth to those around me in whatever ways I actively and practically may.

But praying. That's a very good thing. Always is.

The image was clipped from Erik Torenberg's "The Hypocrisy of the Elites" in his Substack, something of an inspiration for the thoughts here.


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