The Cyborg Desire

It really is the next step in the evolutionary line. The best humanist materialist World devotees are slavering over it.

Plug me in. I want to be plugged in.

Seriously, to be mechanically fused to the System so there is no question about how good you see me to be so you won't hurt me would be a dream come true. Futurists have been talking about it for a couple centuries, really. The most renowned one, Ray Kurzweil, had declared the "singularity" will happen by 2045. That's really not too long from now.

I only share this potential reality to post a heads-up to Todd Hayen's excellent piece in Off-Guardian, one in which he takes the roof off the marauding technological advances today. This paragraph is the one that is the most harrowing, after he questions exactly how much has it all advanced our society today?

Other than medical issues, how else has technology diminished our lives? From a very broad perspective, what has gone down hill as technology has advanced up hill? Violence? Disease? Depression? Suicide? Anxiety? A feeling of meaninglessness? Less true happiness (being high with adrenalin and other ingested drugs doesn’t count), Loss of family values? Child abuse? Drug abuse? Alcoholism? Pedophilia? Isolation and abandonment?

To those who simply cannot get that the true vibrant life is in the soul, in the character of those who value community, advances in technology are always seen as the thing that will just-make-things-way-better. Come on, the best A.I. just has to! Thing is, this makes humans more foolish. I don't have to do the thinking anymore -- freedom! Freedom from the heavy lifting of having to ponder deeply about things and be weighed down with the responsibility of my decisions!

The most important thing Hayen does, however, is something these expositions rarely do.

He mentions God.

And he does so in a way that conveys that extraordinarily critical idea we can't rescue ourselves from these things without Him.

Some people do want to be cyborgs. Others want to go the 180 degree opposite direction and become Amish. While both may be appealing, neither one addresses the real issue.

What are you doing with your soul? And how is it connected to the One Who Loves in any meaningful way -- no matter what technology is all around?

It isn't about having more or less technology at all.

It is about having Christ and dwelling richly in His Kingdom.


The image is from the website. Thank you. Interestingly it is attached to an article that speaks about two of three surveyed people would become a cyborg if it meant having more power. Ouch.



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