More Post-Born Children Condemned to Death Too

I saw a brief part of a news piece on the television that showed a poll result: 60% of Americans care most about the economy, while only 20% think it is abortion. The message the System spokesholes want us to put deep into our craniums: Get with it. Abortion is just not that big a deal. The economy is.


The abortion thing IS the economy.

As long as we fail to get down the transcendent meaning about what it means to be a human being and what it is to have a family and be in a family with a mother as a woman and father as a man fulfilling their God-ordained roles, then the economy means squat.

How about another photo tour? May I? This one consisting of a couple of my own photographs and a few screenshots covering a mere five minutes or so of Bloomberg television, taken from last Thursday morning I believe. You'll get the idea -- err, um -- maybe not. Maybe you are so enamored with the System's version of truth and meaning that this will all be gibberish. But maybe you'll get it, better -- you'll get Christ. Only He is the deliverance from this hellscape.

Anyway, I turned on the set and peeked a bit at the financial news as I do about every other morning, and was treated to the sight of this extraordinarily cheerful looking gal. She had just finished regaling the television audience with how splendidly fantabulous crypto is, and you know it by looking at her smile! It can't be bad!

Except that, it is. In fact it is worse than bad, it is nonexistent. It is exactly like the money in a Ponzi, it isn't there. Any crypto is a computer number, that's it. The crypto hustlers are con artists, every single one of them, trying to get you to like crypto so it will jump in value then they can sell -- or take a chance and see if they can keep their shell game going. The profound irony is the graph there right next to her beaming face. The Bloomberg people even made the shade green instead of its standard red to add to the deceit. 

Right now the crypto market is cratering, its brokerages imploding. There may certainly be all kinds of turgid economicesical reasons -- maybe the Fed actually reigned in inflation a tiny bit with its rate hike last week dampening some people's feeling they need a hedge like this, I don't know.

Doesn't change what crypto really is, a way for some people to commit acts of human sacrifice against others. Standard arbitrage may do some things to keep markets honest, but this isn't it.

I should add briefly that yes indeed, the dollar is no better when no truly stable storing apparatus is established such as some kind of physical element like the more commonly considered limited-but-adequate pieces of paper or nicely carved chunks of precious metals. As it is many dollars you have are also just digital entries in the database. At this point it is a whole other discussion whether or not schnazzily-dressed banker decisions, shiny yellow rocks stacked in the vault, or in crypto's case neatly complicated math is the best standard to hold our value assignments. It should be asked here, what is The Kingdom's way to do that? Do you know? The less a nation knows the more it seeds its own destruction.

Then you've got the commercials showing up there on the Bloomberg financial television program. One featured a young lady looking out the back side window of a vehicle at something impressive. The automobile is certainly an electric one for maximum virtue-signaling about how she's part of saving everyone's life from the eeevil climate destruction... except that the vehicle is powered by battery and electricity acquisition that is just as exploitive and destructive as anything having to do with fossil fuels.

Indeed she is watching a great big "Real"-something god ascend on the horizon... annnd it is a great big "0"! As in Real Zero! Woo-hoo! You see it rising up over the mountains, the noble goal of zero emissions -- one that is, yes, quite impossible if you want to provide for the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people especially in developing countries. I happened across another news report about thousands of people in one of those countries lined up trying to buy fuel and foodstuffs, mostly so they may barely be able to power their vehicles, heat or cool their homes, and cook their food.

This would not be happening if the climate control hegemons weren't doing what they are doing right now. Curbing pollution -- awesome, go for it. Doing this, however? It is demonic, simply because those millions of lives are hanging in the balance so these people can virtue-signal. See what's happening in the Netherlands right now? Huge numbers of imminently ruined farmers are protesting quite vociferously -- on the highways with their large rolling work equipment -- because the Dutch government (or whatever European NWO bureaucratic force) has ordered a 30% cut in agricultural production, all in on the pukifying chest-pounding that comes with The Reset's valiant climate change commandeering agenda. How many more people are being set up to starve to death?

It is all merely another consequence of the Great Lie since most of them are certainly on board with caring little about those poor people. Although... if the victimized destitute were on television a lot and the mandarins can publically connect themselves to their plight and appear as though they are doing something about it, well that's different. Otherwise, it is just another critical part of the population control program.

Match that with the abortions that can be protected -- and you're in business. 

Ironic, by the way, there, that girl looking out that window ready to offer sacrifices to the Real Zero God. Look for yourself. How valuable is this god? What is its value assignment? Is it really anything but zero? Real zero? -- That's what it says! If anything it is less than zero -- are you seeing the economic numbers scrolling across the bottom of the television screen in each of these screenshots? The ones smothered in blood red?

Then there in the lower right corner is that little emblem. Shows up every month of June -- something like it just about everywhere you look. By now I'd say most everyone knows what it means these days. They've co-opted a wonderful picture of God's grace -- the rainbow displayed in the sky after Noah landed (Genesis 9:12-17) -- and turned it into the brazenly ugly celebration of the worst sexual immorality. And it always comes with the screeching about how proud they are about it.

I will interject here that I was in the Phoenix main city library the other day and near the entrance was this, a hall with just about every flag representing the various causes or identities or whatever mass confusion there is right now about who is who is who is who is who...

And that is just it.

I thought, huh, all of this is just going to utterly derail their crusade. What about all the groups not represented here? How can you leave them out? How offensive! They've become too "tolerant" for their own good! Intending to please every one of the dozens of officially classified sexual identity groups you dilute the meaning any of them are trying to have -- and of course they try to fix that by having things like "pansexual" or "asexual" or any such absurdity to settle the nerves of anyone who feel left out. 

But then that's just it then, isn't it? If you are "pansexual" you're really "EVERY sexual" which means you are actually "NO sexual" (which I think is "asexual" but if that is a thing how could it be when it isn't a thing and... errgh...) Really, none of this means a single thing without acknowledging the reality that there is really only one, single, defining, true, transcendent, teleological. objective, real actual sexual identity type, and that is the one that is a male and a female who if they choose to have children are truly transcendently teleologically designed to do so -- the end.

There is no other. No matter how much one feeels like the other sex ("other sex" what does that mean) or screams from the depths of their psyche, it is all just a fantasy world. You can tell by how ferocious they must be to, as Freddie Mercury himself sings in that Queen song, "waving your banner all over the place."

I must briefly add that at the end of that hall between the two most prominent sodomist banners (there on the left side in the above photograph) is a statue of a naked girl, sitting in a chair, exuding the greatest despair you could sense in any artwork. They may think this reflects her sadness at not being respected for the sexual identity she wants, but I think it is much more profound. It is clear she endures the pain of knowing she is a female and so wants to be considered fully as such, but the World tells her she must be something she is not if she is to feel worthy in any way.

So much more can be said about this. Should we get into the greatly increasing emotional trauma suffered by young adults today over these conditions leading to massive amounts of ingesting very questionable things to numb the pain, far too often resulting in overdose deaths? What about the tragedies of those who just kill themselves straight away to get it over with?

For now, back to the Bloomberg television show -- an entire station break had the Bloomberg people blaring, "Inclusion means all of us."


It doesn't include me.

It will never include all the people like me who know how wickedly immoral all of the sodomist stuff is that they promote so incessantly, all of it another harrowingly tragic form of human sacrifice.

Inclusion? Again, I'm not included because there should be the most serious and meaningful opprobrium against all of this. (I should add that after the censure should come the mercy and grace and healing and message of salvation so these people would be delivered from this horror, but it seems there are fewer and fewer followers of Christ reaching out to share that message.)

Diversity? Nope. My voice is not added to the conversation. I'm wildly different from them in my perspective but excluded from the "diverse" pool. Therefore the "We are truly a diverse community!" is a lie.

Equity? Soon it will get to the point where people like me will be prosecuted simply for speaking about it in these ways. That is definitely not equal. The 14th Amendment: "[No state shall] deny to any person... equal protection of the laws," (yet now:) unless you are a person who makes an LGBTQ-minded person feel bad about their difficult and courageous proclamation.

The ECONOMY isn't just this arcane thing floating around out there. It is flesh and blood people who ideally are contributing something they do well to their communities. They certainly get paid to do that, and with that income they are... they are...

Doing what?

Too much irony, sorry, I don't mean to overwhelm you: but at the entrance to that hall with the attempt to try to appeal to all those who so desperately wish to make themselves their own little god by proclaiming how much they belong to some whimsical sexual identity group, is this sculpture, the sculptor calling it something having to do with a cube honoring miners.

I simply could not help but think about how much it looked like the Borg ship from the Next Generation Star Trek series. If you know what I'm talking about, the Borg were (was?) the space alien tribe of humanoid-cyborg creatures who "assimilated" those they confronted in space. "Resistance is futile" in your attempts to overcome their attacks... and...

All I could think about was The Order. The presently active distinctly authorized power that regularly and systematically compels deep intractable allegiance to Cain's Legacy in whatever imaginative ways it does it. What are there now, 57 or so ways you may identify your sexuality in any number of applications out there? Yeah each Borg "component" looks different -- have you noticed there are male and female Borg "people"? Short and tall, slender and wide, handsome and ugly, who knows maybe even "gay" and "straight"! --

But each one is wired and tubed to The Collective.

There really is no individuality among any of the people who say they are in any of these sexual identity tribes. They're just mindless tools of the System. Very sorrowfully, they're just being basted for dining by those who've slithered their way to the top of the World Operative-arranged pecking order and can't help but put them on their dinner plates.

All the abortion stuff, all the sodomist stuff -- all of it is just the World doing its thing. The only real "out" is the Kingdom, that's it. The more tribal identity banners are hung around the hall there the more meaningless it all becomes and the more assimilated by the System "Borg" every individual in it becomes. The only freedom is in the Father and fully recognizing who He made you to be and who Christ redeemed you to be -- and in the life of sanctification that comes from a deep abiding relationship with the Holy Spirit when you enjoy a lifetime of joyous discovery of those things -- when you find how much He loves you as that beautiful wonderful individual He made so He could enjoy that discovery with you.

Funny, this last image I'd like to share was part of the television commercial package on that Bloomberg financial propaganda show. Obviously it is for a cruise line, and it does indeed show an image of a traditional nuclear family at a dining table, the mother and father holding hands either demonstrating their genuine love for one another (at least it appears that way) or maybe even preparing the family members to gather hands to say a prayer before their meal.

One thing about this ad, however, that adds to the premise of this post's truth rule. You remember it: The economy only does as well as a critical mass of its populace behaving righteously enough to not murder their preborn children or to not pretend to be someone of the opposite sex or some other preposterously concocted sexual identity. To the extent a critical mass of its populace does these kinds of human sacrifice activities -- among any number of other things that destroy a nation -- then the empire will collapse in a putrid wad of moral dissipation. 

There's your economy.

But here's where this ad, as wholesome as it looks, messes things up itself. It is with that use of the term "free," appearing in two different places. See it there?

First, it declares if you are on the cruise ship you are promised "FREE something-or-other." No, not exactly. Nothing is free. Whatever they are getting they say is free was paid for by somebody, somewhere. The iron-clad economic truth rule of opportunity cost requires it. Somebody pays the price for anything that has value, anything and everything.

Second, along the bottom it says something even more assiduously telling: "Feel Free!" Huh. Are you not truly free? All of this makes you feel free because, ::ahem:: perhaps you really aren't?

Again, to belabor the point -- and I don't mind doing so, you just aren't really free unless you are in Christ, the Only One Who Frees. Otherwise, you are a slave to something, to someone

The World with any of its unrighteousness is really good at making you feel good. System blappers like Bloomberg go crazy trying to make you feel good even when you see on the very same television screen the reality of this entity "the economy" and its clear significations that as much as you are given over to it you are wretchedly enslaved.

Want to actually feel good?

That requires looking to find it from Someone Else.


All the images were either my own photographs or screenshots from Bloomberg television, except for two. The first screenshot is from Fox News during Tucker Carlson's show, and the image of the Borg spaceship was a screenshot clipped from a Quora response.



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